Tag Archives: Divorce Parents

5 Post-Holiday Mistakes Divorced Parents Can Make
Are you and your child’s other parent divorced? If so, the holidays might have been a tough time. Having to spend time away from your child during this season may not ever be easy and can often leads to arguments. Still, it may be best to avoid making these 5 post-holiday mistakes for divorced… Read More »
Coming up with a parenting plan for post-divorce
Currently, Florida law requires that the court prepare a Parenting Plan, which is a detailed time-sharing schedule. In this Parenting Plan, time-sharing is dealt with along with the division of holidays, extracurricular activities and travel issues. There are many different parenting plan forms floating around on the Internet for your review, and the Florida… Read More »
Parenting during and after divorce: time-sharing and shared parental responsibility
It is Florida policy to encourage both parents to have “frequent and continuing contact” with their children and to “share the rights and responsibilities, enjoys, of child rearing” after divorce. Florida law refers to this as “parental responsibility,” and most parties have shared parental responsibility. Florida law creates a preference for this so that… Read More »