Tag Archives: Florida Divorce Attorneys

The three most important things when choosing a lawyer:
Find a lawyer whose goal is a fair and equitable result for you. Probably one of the most important aspects of hiring a lawyer is the lawyer’s personality. Is the lawyer interested in obtaining a fair and equitable result for you or simply litigating the case? The former results in a quicker, cheaper divorce… Read More »
Factors considered when a judge sets alimony
Once the court has determined there is a need for alimony by the recipient and ability to pay said alimony, the court then should consider the factors as laid out as follows: The standard of living established during the marriage. The duration of the marriage. The age and the physical and emotional condition of… Read More »
What happens to your home in a divorce?
Marital homes are usually one of the largest assets, and this is a problematic one since it is not a divisible asset like a pension or checking account. The court has the power to award one spouse exclusive use and possession of the marital home. This generally happens if the primary caretaker of the… Read More »
Difference between marital assets and liabilities – and non-marital assets and liabilities
Equitable distribution deals with the dividing up of assets and liabilities. The court must first identify what is a non- marital asset and liability and what is a marital asset and liability. A marital asset or liability is defined as being incurred during the marriage, either individually or jointly. In addition to this, enhancement… Read More »
Collaborative Divorce
A new type of process in divorce is called “collaborative law.” In such a case, the parties enter into a Collaborative Law Agreement prior to any filing of divorce. The agreement indicates that the parties will cooperate in providing discovery without the need for any court orders and that they will be forthcoming on… Read More »